

生命的脆弱, 犹如薄纸般容易刺破而过。



年纪轻轻的你就饱经了社会苦难生活的煎熬和考验为了生活和现实所迫,弃书投工。 你为人忠厚, 襟怀坦白, 谦虚谨慎, 平易近人, 生活节俭, 艰苦朴素, 这都是大家给你的评语。对你的突然离开,是大家的是一种弥补不到的失去。

是缘分,让我在你离开前的最后一段人生的道路上认识了你这个人,或许我应该感谢上苍,我们毕竟认识了。 虽然我有埋怨,恨不相逢未走时,但我还很幸会我认识了你,谢谢你。

在此祝愿你在美丽的天国幸福快乐, 安息……


Peribahasa FOR my Studentssss

  1. Bagai aur dengan tebing 互相扶持,相辅相成
  2. Bagai isi dengan kuku 水乳交融
  3. Bagai enau dalam belukar 各家自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜
  4. Masuk ke kandang kambing mengembek,masuk ke kandang kerbau menguak 入乡随俗
  5. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan 有志者,事竟成
  6. Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh 团结就是力量
  7. Hujan emas di negeri orang,hujan batu di negeri sendiri, baik juga di negeri sendiri 金窝银窝不如自己的草窝
  8. Jauh berjalan, banyak pengalaman 读万卷书不如行万里路
  9. Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing 有福同享,有难同当
  10. Kacang lupakan kulit 忘恩负义
  11. Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung 国有国法,家有家规
  12. Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat 宁愿丧失儿子,也不要败了风俗
  13. Sediakan payung sebelum hujan 未雨绸缪
  14. Genggam bara api, biar sampai jadi arang 有始有终
  15. Yang bulat tidak akan datang bergolek, yang pipih tidak akan datang melayang 天下没有不劳而获
  16. Kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyung manakan dapat sagunya 没有耕耘,哪来收获
  17. Rajin dan usaha tangga kejayaan 勤勉是成功之道
  18. Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit 积少成多
  19. Bak cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan 雨后春笋
  20. Seperti abu di atas tunggul 昙花一现
  21. Seperti dihiris dengan sembilu 心如刀割
  22. Besar pasak dari tiang 入不敷出
  23. Orang penyegan susah makan 懒人没收获
  24. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama 人死留名,豹死留皮
  25. Kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang 没工作就没饭吃
  26. Tepuk air di dulang terpercik ke muka sendiri 自作自受
  27. Bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat 团结一致
  28. Gajah sama gajah berjuang, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah 城门失火,殃及池鱼
  29. Hidup dikandung adat, mati dikandung tanah 只要人活着,就不能败了风俗
  30. Berapa tinggi terbang bangau, akhirnya hinggap ke belakang kerbau juga 倦鸟归巢
  31. Bagai ketam menyuruh anaknya berjalan betul 上梁不正下梁歪;名不正则言不顺
  32. Bagai layang-layang putus tali 如断了线的风筝;飘荡的人,父母无法管教
  33. Bagai pahat dengan tukul 做一天和尚,敲一天钟
  34. Bagai tikus membaiki labu 越帮越忙
  35. Bagai kumbang putus tali 逃之夭夭
  36. Bagaimana acuan begitu kuihnya 有其父必有其子
  37. Laksana bunga dedap, sungguh merah berbau tidak 虚有其表
  38. Seperti anjing dengan kucing 水火不容
  39. Seperti cincin dengan permata 郎才女貌,天作之合
  40. Seperti embun di hujung rumput 昙花一现
  41. Seperti menatang minyak yang penuh 无微不至;太过宠爱
  42. Seperti belut pulang ke lumpur 倦鸟归巢
  43. Seperti anak ayam kehilangan ibu 群龙无首
  44. Seperti telur di hujung tanduk 危在旦夕
  45. Seperti menarik rambut di dalam tepung, rambut jangan putus tepung jangan berserak 小心翼翼
  46. Seperti api dalam sekam 暗地里做坏事
  47. Seperti talam dua muka 墙头草;双面人
  48. Air ditetak tidak akan putus 兄弟姐妹的争执,将会和好如初
  49. Bapanya borek, anaknya rintik 有其父必有其子
  50. Berpatah arang berkerat rotan 恩短义绝
  51. Carik-carik bulu ayam lama-lama bercantum juga 家族亲戚的争执不会长久
  52. Habis madu sepah dibuang 因爱成恨
  53. Pipit sama pipit, enggang sama enggang 门当户对
  54. Seekor kerbau membawa lumpur semuanya habis terpalit 害群之马
  55. Ada gula ada semut 有利润就有人潮
  56. Alang-alang mandi biar basah 有始有终
  57. Hangat-hangat tahi ayam 三分钟热度
  58. Mendukung biawak hidup 自讨苦吃
  59. Sambil menyelam minum air 一心二用
  60. Tiada beban batu digalas 自讨苦吃
  61. Kalau rezeki sepucak tidak boleh jadi segantang 命中有时终需有,命中无时莫强求
  62. Malu berkayuh perahu hanyut 懒人没收获
  63. Ringan tulang berat perut 勤劳者收获多
  64. Tiada rotan akar pun berguna 聊胜于无
  65. Dapat durian runtuh 不劳而获;横财
  66. Kain sehelai sepinggan 倾家荡产
  67. Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya 教育应该从小开始
  68. Pucuk dicipta ulam mendatang 意外收获;比预计还好
  69. Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga 祸不单行
  70. Terlepas dari mulut buaya masuk ke mulut harimau 一波未平一波又起
  71. Tidak tahu menari dikatakan lantai jongkang-jongket 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸
  72. Untung sabut timbul, untung batu tenggelam 幸运则意气风发,倒霉则一败涂地
  73. Yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran 两头不是岸
  74. Lain padang lain belalang 异国风俗
  75. Kalau tidak ada angin manakan pokok bergoyang 无风不起浪
  76. Lembu punya susu sapi punya nama 徒劳无功
  77. Hancur badan dikandung tanah, budi baik dikenang juga 流芳百世,永垂不朽
  78. Retak menanti belah 小事化大事
  79. Sekali air bah sekali pantai berubah 改朝换代
  80. Siapa makan lada, dialah terasa pedas 心知肚明
  81. Siapa makan nangka dialah kena getahnya 善恶终有报
  82. Air tenang jangan disangka tak ada buaya 居安思危
  83. Banyak udang banyak garam, banyak orang banyak ragam 一种米养百种人
  84. Belakang parang jika diasah akan tajam juga 只要有好的教育,蠢材也变天才
  85. Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata 士可杀不可辱
  86. Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi 反被信赖的人出卖
  87. Kata itu dikota 一诺千金
  88. Sudah diludah dijilat balik 吃回头草
  89. Takkan hilang bisa ular menyusur akar 有地位的人更谦虚
  90. Bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan 人非圣贤,孰能无过
  91. Ingat sebelum kena, jimat sebelum habis 三思而后行
  92. Panas setahun hapus oleh hujan sehari 功亏一篑
  93. Pisang tidak berbuah dua kali 上一次当,学一次乖
  94. Sebab nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga 害群之马
  95. Sesat di hujung jalan balik ke pangkal jalan 浪子回头
  96. Bertepuk sebelah tangan tidak akan berbunyi 孤掌难鸣
  97. Gigi dengan lidah adakalanya tergigit juga 兄弟姐妹(夫妻)终会起争执
  98. Hidung tak mancung pipi tersorong-sorong 炫耀与自己无关的事
  99. Setelah dapat gading bertuah tanduk tidak berguna lagi 喜新厌旧
  100. Ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa 不要感情用事
  101. Tenam tebu di bibit mulut 口蜜腹剑
  102. Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul 看别人做感觉很难,自己做更难
  103. Bertemu buku dengan ruas 旗鼓相当
  104. Bunga bukan sekumtum, kumbang bukan seekur 天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花
  105. Ukur baju di badan sendiri 量力而为
  106. Alah bisa tegal biasa 习惯成自然
  107. Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa 语言是民族的灵魂
  108. Biar lambat asal selamat 慢工出细货
  109. Buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali 多做好事,勿做坏事
  110. Hutang emas boleh dibayar, hutang budi dibawa mati 人情债一辈子也还不清
  111. Indah khabar dari rupa 闻非所见
  112. Rambut sama hitam hati lain-lain 一种米养百种人
  113. Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna 三思而后行


•He had Such Quiet Eyes

He had such quiet eyes他有双安静和迷人的眼睛
She did not realise她并没有明白
They were two pools of lies这只是一个谎言
Layered with thinnest ice他铺上了最薄的冰片
To her, those quiet eyes对她来说,那些眼神
Were breathing desolate sighs 就像呼吸着荒凉及空虚的叹息
Imploring her to be nice恳求女的对他好
And to render him paradise 并给于他天堂

If only she'd been wise 如果她一直明智
And had listened to the advice 并听取意见
Never to compromise 永不妥协
With pleasure- seeking guys 随着享乐家伙
She'd be free from "the hows and whys"她就不会问怎么及为什么

Now here's a bit of advice
Be sure that nice really means nice
Then you'll never be losing at dice
Though you may lose your heart once or twice
Answer the Questions below

1 What is in the boy's eyes?

2 Which line in the poem tells us that we can see through the boy's deception?
Layered with thinnest ice

3 What does the boy tell the girl?
He loves and wants her.

4 What is he asking her to do?
To be nice to him./To give in to him.

5 What do the first and second lines in the second stanza imply?
The persona regrets for not listening to advice.

6 What has the girl realised about the boy?
He is not sincere./He has used her to his advantage.

7 Which phrase in the poem shows the girl is going through the anguish and regrets?
"the hows and whys"

8 What is the persona's advice to the readers?
To be careful when in a relationship./Do not be fooled by the physical appearance./Make sure the boy is sincere before trusting him.

9 What can you conclude about the girl?
She has learned her lesson to be more careful in future.

•In the midst of Hardship于艰难中

At dawn they returned home明时分,他们回到家
their soaky clothes torn的潮濕的衣服已撕裂
and approached the stove後把它接
their limbs marked by scratches肢擦
their legs full of wounds们的腿充满伤
but on their brows他们的眉毛(眼神)
there was not a sign of despair有一个绝望的迹象

The whole day and night just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their son’s
albino buffalo that was never found

They were born amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their ciggarete leaves

Answer these Questions
1 Why had they been away from home the whole day and night (line 8)?
They had been searching for their son's albino buffalo.

2 How do we know the flood was terrible?
Many animals had been killed and their carcasses were floating around.

3 What had made them strong?
The hardship in which they had grown up.

4 Why do you think they were making jokes (line 18)?
It was their way of coping with the disappointments.

5 Briefly ex-plain how they managed to cope with disappointments?
Their life had been full of hardship but they had learnt not to sigh or complain

6 Was their son important to them? How do you know this?
Yes he was. That is why they sacrificed a whole night and day searching for the albino buffalo that belonged to their son.

7 Explain why they were in the water all the time (line 10).
Since the place was flooded, they were in the water all the time as they searched for the albino buffalo.

8 Which line tells you they were not rich people?
'They were born amidst hardship'

9 What was their response to the hardship?
They accepted it - they neither sighed nor complained.

10 What was the disappointment that they had to cope with in this poem?
The disappointment of not finding the albino buffalo.

catch us if you can

Synopsis概要 (short version)

Rory and his grandfather, Granda, have looked after each other since Rory’s dad walked out on them. Granda is given to lapses in memory and completely irresponsible behaviour, but he has a generous heart. Rory acts as his carer until there is a fire in the flat and the authorities decide to separate them. However, Rory is determined that they will stay together and they embark on an escape but with their faces on every television screen and in every newspaper, this is not so easy. Their journey is full of surprise betrayals and unexpected friends as they attempt to evade the authorities and eventually track down the man who walked out on them.

Themes 主题

1. Family and relationships 家庭的关系

  • A journey of love and protection between a grandfather and his grandson.

2. Growing up / Adolescence 成长

  • young boys of this age confront as their characters are shaped by relationships around them.

3. reducing the generation gap 拉近关系

  • A young boy’s love for his aging grandfather; it shows a young boy realizing that someone he loves deeply may die.

4. Responsibilities 责任

  • How society tries to intervene and help those who they think are unfairly treated.

5. Social bias社会的成见,

  • How society is quick to decide what the aged and ailing as well as the young should be treated.

Catch Us If You Can - Moral values /what have you learnt

1. Family relationships and bonds must be appreciated and maintained. 家里的感情

2. Communication is an important feature among friends and family members.沟通的重要

3. Trust is a vital component in bridging generations.相信是建立关系的条件

4. Appearances may not be what they seem.外表不重要










我想应该没有人懂,因为这是一个没人点击的部落格。Key2WIN的心声只有我一个人懂吧! 学生们应该还不知道这儿的存在,希望有一天这儿会有爆满的一天。

读书一点都不简单,若是没有一刻好的老师在身旁,一切就会更糟糕了。 记得记得,key2WIN 欢迎每一个学生哦...


有点担心,但也很期待... 因为我相信我值得拥有...

A new flyer, A new hope for me..... Remember, key2win is always the key to success for everyone as well as myself......